
Our investment philosophy focuses on utilizing experienced investment management talent to create a custom portfolio for you. Your MSAM investment manager blends his or her own investment expertise with your unique individual needs. Three core principles common to MSAM investment managers are Quality, Consistency, and Discipline:



Quality information is central to investment decision making. Each MSAM investment manager pays great attention to detail in conducting research. Looking beyond just the numbers in a company's financial statements gives the investment manager the ability to develop more accurate valuation assessments of companies. Leveraging relationships with members of a company's industry and the investment community to adjust and support valuation is an example of how MSAM investment managers can increase the quality of information they use in investment decision making. 



To maintain consistency in decision making, each MSAM investment manager seeks to use like, common processes in doing his or her own research, and applying similar valuation methods across companies. Each investment manager's consistency produces the ability to easily identify attractive investment opportunities for you.



Discipline gives the investment manager the ability to remain consistent with his or her investment decision making process even in difficult market conditions.  In order to produce good performance for you over the long term, certain times require the investment manager to be different than the indices and follow his or her investment analysis when managing portfolios, regardless of short term market conditions. Disciplined decision making can offer you the opportunity to benefit from the quality & consistency noted above. 

Adding value is your MSAM investment manager's ultimate goal.  Aligning the investment process with your investment policy objectives provides the opportunity to apply experienced investment management practices while incorporating your own unique risk tolerance, asset allocation, and investment preferences.